Many of the students became ill and carried on as if I were asking them to cut up up live human beings. These students were sent to the library to complete Amphibian chapter questions from the text. needless to say, this activity was not interactive.
Here is a review of several websites that allow students to see how to dissect a frog for comparative anatomy purposes.
Virtual Frog Dissection
This website uses computer generated, 3-D images to demonstrate the dissection procedure and location of organs once the abdominal muscles are penetrated. What is really nice about this website is that the student may play video segments that go through the dissection step by step.
The above link is a nice alternative lesson using the Virtual Frog Dissection above. There are nice slide shows with labels on completing a frog dissection.
Many of the online dissection websites I visited were just plain lame. For example, is impossible to navigate. No matter what clicked on, I was lead to dead end pages. I did however reach pages that were advertisements for software that will probably become obsolete tomorrow.
Thanks for posting these links. These could make a good review after an actual dissection also.